1. You’re not an accident, you’re the predictable, inevitable result of the chemical processes that take place according to the naturally emergent properties of the particular universe in which you live. You have no inherent purpose. So what? You’re entirely free to decide for yourself what you want your purpose to be. Isn’t that even better? You have significance locally, which derives from the bonds you choose to form with others, through which you likewise give them significance. Your significance is what you make it. You have no “cosmic” level significance. So what? So we’re not special. Who cares? There IS a common right and wrong. We create and decide on them collectively, as a species, which is why they’ve steadily improved over time, because we’re still working all the kinks out. Sometimes we regress a bit, but on the whole we continue to get better. Yes, some things are out of your control. Yes, there will be times where you have no hope. These are things we should learn to face head on, and to cope with, rather than pretending they aren’t the case simply because they make us uncomfortable. “You have a meaningless existence.” Why? Because meaning wasn’t handed to you by someone else? Because it will end one day? So what? You’re here now to enjoy it. Does knowing that a movie or song will end prevent you from enjoying it while it’s playing? Of course not. “Death is the end.” Yes, it is. Which is why everything has meaning and value now, while you’re here. It’s the only time things can or will have them. If life were eternal, there would be no urgency to do anything. Nothing would be pressing, because you’d always know you could get around to it eventually. And you could do everything an infinite amount of times until you were sick to death of them all. Being finite adds value; being infinite strips it away. So go have your cake, while you still can, and enjoy the shit out of it.


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